Gastric balloon Perth

Sandy lost 10kg after she had a gastric balloon.

Gastric balloon Perth

Non-surgical weight loss treatment in Perth

Surgery is not for everyone. The specialist weight loss surgeons in our clinic know this. So our Perth weight loss clinic offers different ways to lose weight without the need for bariatric surgery.

BIB® intra-gastric balloon

Our clinic offers the BIB® balloon program, a clinically tested and proven medical tool for weight loss which has been available on the weight loss market for 20 years and previously known as Orbera. It includes a comprehensive 2-part program.

After 12 months on the program, the average weight loss is approximately 3.1 x the weight patients lost by diet and exercise alone. This is a safe, non-surgical, non-invasive, non-permanent, incision-free weight loss option.

Video: Gastric balloon | Perth weight loss clinic

BIB® part 1

The first 6 months of the program involves the initial placement of the BIB® balloon by our experienced bariatric surgeon. Under the guidance of both our dietitian and nurse, this is the period during which the most weight loss is achieved.

BIB® part 2

In the second 6 months of the program, the balloon is removed and the focus shifts to maintaining the weight loss. Our dietitian and nurse are specialised in helping you to manage your hunger, boost your willpower and make changes to support your weight loss. Lifestyle and habit changes are essential if the achieved weight loss is to be maintained after the 12 month period of time.

The balloon does not suit everyone. Some people do not tolerate the feeling of having the balloon placed, some find the restricted nature of some of the dietary requirements difficult to adhere to, and others require a greater amount of weight loss that just cannot be achieved by this program.

However, it is an option if you are overweight, rather than obese. If you would like to pursue this option, then please contact our clinic. We can assist you further and set up appointments with both our specialist weight loss doctor and dietitian.

Video: What is BIB® (previously known as Orbera?) | Perth weight loss clinic

Diets to helps you lose weight

Diets can and do help you lose weight. Their effectiveness is generally short term and often people find that the weight is regained when the diet is ceased. However, a longer change is possible with the development of healthy behaviours and understanding where the calories in food lie.

Our expert dietitians can offer a wide range of diets to help you lose weight, and they will tailor the diet to your needs.

Weight loss medication

Medication can be a highly effective option to help you lose weight and to sustain weight loss you’ve already achieved. For some people, medication is the key to achieving their long term weight loss goals.

Weight loss medication in Australia

In Australia, there are several different weight loss medications available. These are Duromine, Saxenda, Contrave, Orlistat, and Topiramate.

The effectiveness of all of these drugs varies between people, but trying them and finding one or a combination that works for you is what is needed and we would be happy to work with you through this.

You can read more about these medications and how they can help you achieve your weight loss goals here.

Video: Weight loss medication

What else can I do to help me lose weight?

There are several things that you can do to set yourself up to lose weight. Conversely, not paying attention to these things will make it harder, as well as more likely that you’ll fail in your quest:

Avoid medications that make you put on weight

10% of obesity in the Western world is now due to medications, mostly antidepressants. Unfortunately, their use is on the increase. It is important to speak to your GP or specialist doctor to seek possible alternatives that may not have the same side-effects.

Medical conditions causing obesity

Your doctor should first address whether there are any underlying medical conditions that are contributing to you being overweight or obese. Some conditions, including various endocrine or hormonal disorders, need to be excluded. For example, polycystic ovaries, thyroid, adrenal and pituitary gland disorders, and even depression can all lead to both weight gain and loss.

Sleep well

Lack of sleep affects carbohydrate metabolism and results in fat deposits. It also makes you feel tired and this will often drive appetite. There are many things you can do to help you sleep:

  1. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol
  2. Make bedroom sleep-inducing
  3. Establish soothing pre-sleep routine
  4. Go to bed when truly tired
  5. Don't be a night-time clock-watcher
  6. Use light to your advantage
  7. Be consistent with sleep schedule
  8. Nap early or not at all
  9. Lighten up on evening meals
  10. Balance fluid intake
  11. Exercise early
  12. Follow thru


But not for the reason that you think. Yes, exercise will burn calories but this is not why I want you to exercise. Exercise will protect the part of your brain that regulates weight. We think that lack of exercise (especially in childhood) is what drives obesity by resetting your weight set point. Exercise will also help you with your mood and sleep cycle.

Change behaviours that make you put on weight

This is a biggie. We want you to stop hoarding things that are high in calories. For example, don’t have a supply of chocolate in your house, and don’t have biscuits that are there for when friends visit. Buy them specifically when you need them. It’s OK to have some chocolate but change things so that if you want some, you have to walk to the shops to buy a small bar. Hey, you might see me there doing the same thing. But don’t have bars of chocolate in the house waiting to be eaten.

Avoid situations where you will overeat or drink

If Friday nights are “beers at the pub with your mates”, maybe change your Friday to something else. Maybe go to the movies instead.

Avoid sugary drinks

Clearly, they are not good for you. Are diet drinks OK? I would love to say no but, in honesty, I have not seen compelling evidence for me to say that. For the moment, diet drinks are in. Watch this space to see if this changes.

Do you stress eat?

Well, actually, we all do, but figure out what your triggers are and come up with ways that you can overcome these issues in your life. We are happy to point you towards a psychologist, help you to consider some (non-weight gaining) medication for a short time, and a life coach really helps.

Avoid boredom

Do you eat because you have nothing to do? Join a social group, reconnect with old friends, join a dance club, a book club… Why not!

Avoid toxic people

You know who I mean! There are some people in our lives that are just nasty, who are always critical of what we do and drag us down. They upset us and, for some unknown reason, we just keep going back for more. If certain individuals are making you feel bad about yourself, I suspect your life would be better without them. Let them figure it out.

About Obesity Surgery WA: Our 6 commitments

Taking surgery seriously

We know that entering into an operation is a big deal and we are very serious in getting the best outcome for you. We practice what is considered to be a world class standard. Our staff regularly attend national and international conferences and bring back what is the latest research and technology.

Running on time

Our Surgeons and all of our staff try their best to run on time. Although it's not always possible, our commitment is that we do our best. Your time is valuable and we respect that.

Readily available

Our surgeons (or at least one of them) are always available in a crisis. Some of them may provide you with a direct contact, but all are available through the hospital switchboard and happy to chat any time if there is a crisis.

An obsessive attention to detail

We do our best to not miss anything. Every stitch, every staple and every clip is applied to exactly where it needs to be with the greatest care possible.

Commitment to performing the best operation possible

Not all operations are the same and there a few extras that we do to make things better. We know that our results are better with the minimiser ring so we offer it to everyone. We know that reflux can be an issue so we try to tighten every oesophageal hiatus to make reflux control as good as possibly can be.

A commitment to new technologies

  • We have brought in STRETTA into Western Australia, which we believe will revolutionise reflux management. (Have a look at the Stretta page for more information).

  • SJOG Murdoch has just purchased a new DaVinci robot and we believe that this will allow us to do operations with keyhole surgery that previously needed a major laparotomy incision. Lynx is on the horizon and promises to also help manage reflux, we hope to have access to this in early 2020.

Useful links

Weight loss

Diet and lifestyle changes are very effective, but sometimes they need to be supported with medication to help achieve long term success. Medication can often be the difference between a successfully reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, and struggling with maintaining consistent weight loss over time.
Weight loss medication


Whether you are overweight or obese, there are significant lifestyle and health challenges associated with excess weight. There are a range of medical interventions for obesity, including medications, psychological support and lifestyle changes, and a choice of bariatric surgeries.


Obesity Surgery WA is lead by Dr Harsha Chandraratna. After graduating at UWA, Harsha began his surgical training and was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2001. Dr Chandraratna understands the impact of obesity. He personally had sleeve gastrectomy surgery, which gives him a really deep level of understanding when he works with his patients on a daily basis.

About us

Meet our team

Dr. Harsha Chandraratna

Dr. Harsha Chandraratna

Consultant Surgeon

Harsha was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2001. He undertook post fellowship training in Perth and then in Leeds (UK) in Liver and Kidney Transplantation as well as Bariatric Surgery. He understands that there is more to surgery than just technical skills and hopefully that will become apparent to you when you meet him.
Dr. Bill Gong

Dr. Bill Gong

General and Laparoscopic Surgeon

Bill Gong is a specialist General Surgeon. He completed his training at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and obtained his Fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2014. In 2016, Dr Gong commenced private practice at St. John of God Hospital, joining Associate Professor Harsha Chandraratna.