Allurion gastric balloon program

Annie lost 10 kg with the Allurion Gastric Balloon

allurion gastric balloon Perth

Allurion gastric balloon in Perth

Obesity Surgery WA is proud to partner with Allurion to offer their unique gastric balloon program here in Perth.

What is the Allurion gastric balloon?

The Allurion gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss treatment and a great alternative for people who may not be eligible for bariatric surgery. It is revolutionary because insertion of the Allurion gastric balloon does not require endoscopy or anaesthesia.

Once inflated within the stomach, the Allurion gastric balloon causes a feeling of fullness and reduces the feeling of hunger.

“The balloon only lasts a few months, but the result can last a lifetime”
Dr Harsha Chandraratna, Obesity Surgery WA

You can expect to lose 10-15% of your body weight, or 10-15kg in 16 weeks, with 95% sustained weight loss at 1 year.

While this is lower than for the surgical procedures we offer, it remains effective in improving some of the diseases associated with obesity without the need for surgical intervention. For more information, please call our office or send a enquiry using the buttons below and schedule a consultation with one of our weight loss experts.

allurion gastric balloon Perth

How is the balloon inserted?

Well, the Allurion gastric balloon is not inserted but swallowed as a small capsule and it inflates in your stomach once it is in the appropriate location.

This is how it works:

During your 20-minute outpatient appointment, you will swallow a small capsule that is attached to a catheter or thin tube. To make sure the capsule is in the right position, we will take an X-ray. Once we know the capsule is in the correct spot, we will fill it with a fixed volume of saline solution, the balloon once inflated will be about the size of a grapefruit; we do this through the thin tube. A second X-ray is then taken to ensure the filling is complete and the catheter (thin tubing) is then removed with a gentle tug. You are then free to leave and go about you day. Most people are able to return to a normal level of activity 2-3 days after placement, although for some it may take a little longer

Video: how it works

What are the benefits of the balloon?

The volume of the balloon takes up space in the stomach previously used for food. This allows for:

  • Faster satisfaction and eating smaller portions;
  • A feeling of fullness, which will help reduce cravings;
  • Feeling satisfied for longer, as food takes longer to leave the stomach.
  • No surgery, endoscopy or anaesthesia required.

How is the balloon removed?

It’s not. The Allurion balloon is designed to automatically deflate after 4-5 months and once collapsed the balloon can be passed through the digestive tract. 80% of patients are not even aware of having passed the balloon.
allurion gastric balloon Perth

What is the Allurion gastric balloon program?

This is what we love about the Allurion gastric balloon: it’s not just a device to lose weight, it’s a 6-12-month holistic weight loss program.

You will receive nutritional support, Allurion-connected scales, a health tracker and app, and a tailored exercise program to support your weight loss journey.

The Allurion app will record your progress and update your medical team here at Obesity Surgery WA and our mutual aim is to achieve sustained weight loss.

During the program, you will improve your lifestyle through modified diet and exercise programs. This serves to enhance weight loss while the balloon is within your stomach and maintain a lower weight long after it is passed.

All our patients will have access to some of the leading consultants in weight loss and dietetics:

  • The basic package includes a consent consultation with the doctor and 2 post-placement consults, 6 appointments with the dietitian, and 2 exercise therapy support appointments over a 6-month period. It also includes biometric scales and access to the app.
  • The additional support program includes all the above and offers unparalleled care and support by giving you the option to sign into a longer 12-month programme for additional support including physical trainer and more if desired.

Allurion Balloon Cost Perth: Find out more about the cost of the Allurion Programs.

Am I eligible for the Allurion Balloon?

About Obesity Surgery WA: Our 6 commitments

Taking surgery seriously

We know that entering into an operation is a big deal and we are very serious in getting the best outcome for you. We practice what is considered to be a world class standard. Our staff regularly attend national and international conferences and bring back what is the latest research and technology.

Running on time

Our Surgeons and all of our staff try their best to run on time. Although it's not always possible, our commitment is that we do our best. Your time is valuable and we respect that.

Readily available

Our surgeons (or at least one of them) are always available in a crisis. Some of them may provide you with a direct contact, but all are available through the hospital switchboard and happy to chat any time if there is a crisis.

An obsessive attention to detail

We do our best to not miss anything. Every stitch, every staple and every clip is applied to exactly where it needs to be with the greatest care possible.

Commitment to performing the best operation possible

Not all operations are the same and there a few extras that we do to make things better. We know that our results are better with the minimiser ring so we offer it to everyone. We know that reflux can be an issue so we try to tighten every oesophageal hiatus to make reflux control as good as possibly can be.

Useful links

Weight loss

If you have struggled to achieve or maintain weight loss long-term, you may be considering weight loss surgery. Here, we answer your biggest questions about the surgery, including potential weight loss, dumping syndrome, and insurance coverage.
Weight loss surgery


Whether you are overweight or obese, there are significant lifestyle and health challenges associated with excess weight. There are a range of medical interventions for obesity, including medications, psychological support and lifestyle changes, and a choice of bariatric surgeries.


Obesity Surgery WA is lead by Dr Harsha Chandraratna. After graduating at UWA, Harsha began his surgical training and was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2001. Dr Chandraratna understands the impact of obesity. He personally had sleeve gastrectomy surgery, which gives him a really deep level of understanding when he works with his patients on a daily basis.

About us

Meet our team

Dr. Harsha Chandraratna

Dr. Harsha Chandraratna

Consultant Surgeon

Harsha was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2001. He undertook post fellowship training in Perth and then in Leeds (UK) in Liver and Kidney Transplantation as well as Bariatric Surgery. He understands that there is more to surgery than just technical skills and hopefully that will become apparent to you when you meet him.